The Septic System Design Process
Once all applicable fees are paid to the county or township, C. M. Kristman, Inc. will schedule soil testing with the SEO (Sewage Enforcement Officer).
During soil testing, two test pits are dug approximately 50’ apart in the proposed area for the new seepage field.
The sewage enforcement officer or soil scientist will perform a soil analysis to determine if the soil is acceptable.
A perc test is then conducted to determine how quickly a certain volume of water drains into the soil.
Once the perc test has passed, we will then complete the septic design and submit to the County or Township for permit issuance. Typically once the design is completed and submitted, it can take five to ten days for the permit to be issued. This varies by State, County and Township.
Once the design is completed, a price for the new system will be provided by C. M. Kristman, Inc.to the homeowner.